The second most biodiverse country in the world, at risk from climate change.
Colombia is a tropical country surrounded by two oceans (Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean) and the Amazon, a luxury that makes this nation a resource of life for the rest of the world, where there is a great diversity of ecosystems and natural resources.
What about the weather?
However, this natural heritage is fragile and prone to modification due to the effects of climate change, since species have a limited capacity to adapt to changes in the climate. For every degree Celsius that the temperature increases by 10% of the species could have a higher risk of extinction, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations (IPCC, for its acronym in English). In addition, the effects of climate change have growing economic and social repercussions for the inhabitants of Colombia, who are affected by phenomena such as increased frequency of floods, rising sea levels, desertification of soils, loss of corals, etc. Detailed information on the impacts of climate change is available at the Ministry of the Environment and the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) .
What challenges does climate change present us?
Faced with this great challenge and as responsible for the protection of a wide biodiversity and one of the lungs of the world, “The Amazon”, Colombia has signed the Paris Agreement within the framework of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change ( COP 21), committing to reduce 20% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and, if it receives more international funding, reduce it by up to 30%. Although the country is only responsible for 0.46% of global emissions, it is estimated that, if measures are not taken, emissions could increase by around 50% in the next 13 years. To achieve these emission reduction objectives and at the same time prepare Colombia for the effects of climate change, the government has launched a National Climate Change Policy with several strategic lines of action. However, this challenge requires collective action that integrates all of society, governments, city councils, companies, the financial sector, civil society and, especially, the citizens themselves. Together we can make a difference.
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